Thursday, April 19, 2018

Before Take-Off: The Start of a New Adventure

Greetings Fellow Travelers, 
This summer, I will be going on the adventure of a lifetime. I will be going to multiple countries this summer thanks to the generosity of several kind people. The very least I can do is document these experiences not just for myself, but for everyone. Maybe we'll all learn something. We'll laugh, we'll smile, we might even cry from time to time. There will be times that I will make emotional posts and other times it might be boring. I plan to have my posts be a combination of saying what I have done and will do as well as personal reflections on what has occurred throughout the day. The countries I will be visiting are Poland, Czech Republic, Switzerland, and South Africa. If you have not been paying attention to the news, Poland and South Africa are going through some interesting times and I plan to explore these issues from both a political and an individualistic perspective. Some of the things I will be doing in these countries is jogging through Krakow, boat tour of Prague, day trip to Auschwitz, visiting family in Switzerland, wine tour in Cape Town, fun coffee shops in Observatory, and so much more. I hope to share these experiences with all who are interested and invested in this adventure. I am forever thankful for all the people and organizations who have made this a possibility for me and it will certainly be an amazing adventure. Stay tuned for updates which I hope to do daily but cannot guarantee because of unpredictability of wi-fi access. 
It will be an amazing summer vacation (even though it will be winter in South Africa). 
Stay updated and feel free to comment your thoughts on my posts and if I'm going to a place you have been before, please comment or send me suggestions. 
Thank you, 
Noah Goldman