Friday, July 17, 2020


Many people who seek to divide and hate have started pushing the hashtag #JewishPrivilege. I normally ignore hateful trends on the internet because they tend to be on the fringes. But this hashtag has crept into the mainstream. Many Jews have already spoken out against it citing their “#JewishPrivilege.” For the record, there is no such thing as #JewishPrivilege. At least not in the way that it is currently being used by bigoted individuals. Jews do not control the media, banks, or Hollywood. Jews are not plotting to take over the world. Jews only want to be like everyone else. To have equal rights and to be treated fairly.
But since this hate is trending, I want to share my #JewishPrivilege. 
My #JewishPrivilege was kids trying to force feed me ham because they thought it was funny. 
My #JewishPrivilege was being on the receiving end of pennies being thrown at me. 
My #JewishPrivilege is constantly being mischaracterized and misunderstood whether in the classroom or in the streets.
My #JewishPrivilege is being called Christ Killer and being told I’m going straight to hell unless I drop my Judaism and convert.
My #JewishPrivilege is constantly trying to come to terms with what horrible things happened to my ancestors but realizing that I probably will never come to terms with it.
My #JewishPrivilege is being told “get over the Holocaust” regularly. 
My #JewishPrivilege is a swastika under my door seeking to push me down.
My #JewishPrivilege is memorizing where all the exits are in all the synagogues in my city. 
My #JewishPrivilege is being ignored when I try to address real antisemitism. 
My #JewishPrivilege is being treated differently than others when I put a yarmulke on. 
These are all real things and I could list more but I hate to end on a negative ending. 
So please join me in setting a positive trend: #JewishPride. Let’s show the world why we are proud of who we are! 
I have #JewishPride because I am a member of a people tasked to be a light unto the nations and bring morality into this world.
I have #JewishPride because my Jewish brothers and sisters are capable of overcoming any obstacle when we stand together. 
I have #JewishPride because I am of a nation that has a beautiful blend of peoplehood and faith.
I have #JewishPride because I am part of a legacy that seeks justice and to lift others up to standard of equality and fairness.
I have #JewishPride because despite all of the odds, we are still alive and seeking to create a better world. 
I have #JewishPride because I am proud to be a Jew and I would not have it any other way. 

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