Tuesday, July 3, 2018

My Visit to Pinelands - Cape Town Jewish Cemetery

I have come a long way from home. From the comfort of Charlotte to the old cemeteries of Poland to the beautiful sights of Prague and Zurich to now being in South Africa. This journey to 4 different countries has involved me tracing some form of where I come from and what my history is. It is weird to think had history taken a different turn, I would likely be Polish or Lithuanian today instead of being an American. Had history taken a different route, no one in my family would have ever moved to South Africa. I would be someone totally different.
But that's not the reality I live in. The Holocaust happened and those who survived did not stay in Poland or Lithuania, they came to South Africa. There are a few different stories with how my Polish and Lithuanian ancestors came to South Africa but the underlying theme was to flee a destructive persecution. Since  the 1920's, people from my family have lived in South Africa and have contributed to the country since. They were established businesses, contributed to a strong Jewish community, and life was good but not without their challenges. Over time, people left South Africa for varying reasons and to varying places but many stay behind and when the opportunity arises, we visit South Africa.
One of the ways in which you establish a Jewish community is that you have a Jewish cemetery. This is hallmark for Jewish communities all across the world. On this day, I went to go see the Cape Town Jewish Cemetery at Pinelands.
It is a beautiful cemetery that is well-taken care of and a place where many who added to Cape Town are laid to rest. Some of the people buried there are close family. This blog post will acknowledge them and what they mean to me. One of the women buried there is my grandmother. I sadly never had the privilege to meet her in person. She passed away on the 21st of August, 1974. By blood, she is my grandmother and even thought I never got to see her in person, I feel a strong love for her through the stories that keep her alive. On this day and after all these years, I finally got to meet her.

Afterwards, my grandfather remarried and more people were added to the family. It makes for an interesting dynamic. I have uncles, aunts, and cousins with whom I share no genetic bond to. We are related through the marriage of one couple. For me at least, it has so far worked out just fine. I love all my relatives, whether related by blood or not, and we get along pretty well. One of my aunts, Ruth Golembo Mesarcik, was another woman I did not have the privilege of meeting in person. Unfortunately, she passed away on the 14th of July, 2016. I had only heard wonderful things about her. She was an amazing wife and mother and successful in her field of work. I wish I could have at least spoken to her. 

An amazing person I never got to meet was the man we called 'Uncle Phil'. He was my dad's uncle. His father's brother to be exact. He passed away on the 28th of June, 2016. I have heard wonderful stories through my dad and my grandfather of the impact he had on their lives. How he was able to touch the lives of so many people and live to a ripe old age. His life will live on through those stories that I wish to share and pass on as well. 

I would lastly like to acknowledge one more person and this is difficult. My dad's cousin had a son named Justin Goldman. He was 'Uncle Phil's' grandson. He passed away on the 16th of May, 2016. He was too young for his time and taken from us way too soon. Despite the obstacles he faced in life, he sought and worked for success. His loss leaves an unfilled space that can never be refilled. 

I know that for any of my family members who have read this, it may not have been easy and I apologize if I brought any tears back to you. I feel that it is important to share these stories and these people with the world. I have to be honest, these losses have shown me how fragile life really is. I don't hold many regrets but I do have one. That I never called. Three of my relatives that I shared about passed away in 2016. It was a rough year for the family. It hit me that I will never hear their voices for a first time because we never talked. Even though we are a distance apart, I could have called. I should have but I didn't. The thought did not occur to me until it was far too late. I am sorry for not calling you when I should have made the effort to do so. 
I know that I have shared a lot of personal thoughts, feelings, and stories on this blog. I find it easier to type it than to speak it. Some may think I may be getting to personal but I see it as being authentic, real, and human. Through this, there will forever be a record of these people who have left an impact on this world. Also, I hope that those who read these posts may learn something and perhaps see something differently in their own lives. That is why I share these personal thoughts. May we all hold our loved one's close whether they are on this earth or not and may we love them forever. 
May the memories of those we have lost forever be a blessing. 
~Noah Goldman

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