Monday, June 25, 2018

Golden Birthday in the Western Cape

It sometimes so happens that the days and times align really well in order to make a great day. My birthday is June 22. It's usually a pretty cool day and as far as I remember, I only have positive memories of my past birthdays. This year was my "golden birthday" which is essentially when I turn 22 on the 22nd. It's a fun, cute idea. Because there is so much I have to do here in Cape Town, I had to go and celebrate a little bit before my actual birthday. My new friends took me to a pasta restaurant where I had a burger (such an American thing to do) and then went to the bar, Forex. Now, there is no way your friends can embarrass you more than to get a bar packed full of people to join them in singing "Happy Birthday." If there was ever an appropriate time to be drunk, it would be after that nightmare. Nevertheless, I survived.
For my actual birthday, the internship placement organization took us to Cape Point, the most South Western tip of the African continent. It's about an hour drive from Observatory and a must-do when in Cape Town. Once you get near Cape Point, you get to see some fun animals like ostriches and baboons. I don't recommend you try playing with either of them. I didn't, but apparently the obvious statements have to be made because tourists sometimes can only learn from experience. For things like safety, you only have to tell me and I'll take your word for it. So, I didn't get to play with the poor baboons.
Once you get to Cape Point, there are two short hikes you can do. One is to the lighthouse and the other is to the Cape of Good Hope which is as Southwest as Africa gets. I'll share some words about what I saw, but I'll let the pictures here do some talking first.

 These are just some of the sights I got to see whilst at Cape Point. After walking up to the lighthouse for the views, we then walked to Cape Point in which the trail took us to the top of a hill on a cliff. I never understood why people risk their lives for a nice picture right on the edge of a cliff. Are likes worth that much. The wind almost knocked someone off the edge of the cliff. What's a step or two forward so you're less likely to fall off? I got as close as I was comfortable. I got some nice pictures and that was that. The path down the hill was rather unsafe. You essentially had to hop from rock to rock and when you weren't hopping on rocks, you had to walk on rickety wood hoping it wouldn't break. It took about 15 minutes to get down and back to the van. Bye baboons. Until next time my friends.
To complete my birthday was another big family dinner at the grandparent's flat. I got some great gifts such as books, wine, chocolate, and clothes. Even when you get older, gifts from the heart are always nice. Traveling and family make for a great birthday, even for a golden birthday. I had a really good day and I am so far having a wonderful time in Cape Town. Off to the next adventure.
~Noah Goldman

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