Thursday, June 7, 2018

Prague - Heart of the Europe

I must be completely honest here, I decided to go to Prague on a whim. I came with two other friends and we decided to pick a city to go to right after our Poland excursion. I, for whatever reason, said Prague and we just kind of went with it. Looking back, I am so happy that we decided to go to Prague. It is such a beautiful city with so much to see and even more to do. One of the perks of seeing Prague is that for the most part it was not destroyed during the Second World War. We spent a lot of time just walking around looking at the sites and eating delicious food. Some of the excursions that we went on were paddle-boating the Vltava River, walking the Charles Bridge, going through Old Town and the Jewish Quarter, and so much more. It’s also fun to do these things with friends instead of by yourself.
This was our first time being in a foreign country with no itinerary and no guidance. It was fun in regards to the fact that we could do whatever we wanted (so long as it was within the budget). We found this fantastic waffle breakfast place where they customized these big waffles for you to enjoy. What is great with Prague is its affordability when it comes to hostels, food, and drink. What more do you need?
I think traveling without supervision is a fantastic growing opportunity. I had to pay for myself and make sure all the arrangements were in order with no one looking over it. I found Prague to be an incredible city that should be on every traveler's list. It is a city full of beauty, history, and culture. And if you can, take a day to go outside the city and explore what else the Czech Republic has to offer. There is plenty.
~Noah Goldman

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