Thursday, June 7, 2018

Zurich - The Little Big City

Whenever I go to Europe (and its not very often), I have to make a stop in either Switzerland and/or Liechtenstein. The reason being is that I have close family in both countries and I have to visit. Expensive they may be, their beauty is something that pictures cannot bring to justice but only seeing it with your eyes can do so. My first impression of Zurich was that it is a cute, peaceful city. I don't think that perception has changed much but for good reason. I am thankful and blessed to have family that open their homes and their hearts for me and I really cannot thank them enough. They have made it possible to see the beauty of their worlds. I am forever grateful and hope to have more adventures with them in the future.
For this little trip, I of course made a stop in the little town of Hutlingen which is where some family members live. We had a nice barbecue and got to catch up as well as make some future plans. I also got to see a lot of the Swiss countryside which is jaw-droppingly beautiful. Sadly, I was not able to make it to Liechtenstein this time around. Liechtenstein is where some of my family still lives and it is also very beautiful and I have to make my way around there next time I am in Europe. But, Switzerland will do for now.
I am blessed to have family who open their homes for me and let me see their beautiful country. I will of course return and hopefully can spend more time here in this beautiful part of the world. Have I said beautiful enough?
Next stop - Cape Town, South Africa
~Noah Goldman

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